Energy Efficiency & Distributed Energy Consulting Services

Consulting Services & Expertise

  • Market research helps to define a market's size, scope and identifies trends to establish baseline conditions, forecasts, and program planning. Our team has expertise in: Market AssessmentsEnergy Efficiency Potential Studies, Baseline Market Studies and Technology Characterizations

  • The Anchor Blue team offers third party several evaluation, measurement and verification services of our clients program offerings. Evaluations assess a program’s impact (assessing claimed vs. realized achievements) and process (assessing the program implementation).

  • Anchor Blue has expertise in collecting, managing, mining, and analyzing data so that the organization can leverage it to improve program planning and operations. We are also experts in modeling and developing dynamic analysis tools.

Our Clients Include:

  • Public & Municipal Utilities

    Our small team, nimble services, competitive rates and years of experience working with public and municipal utilities make for an ideal partnership — The Anchor Blue team has years of experience offering energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions to these clients.

  • Government Utility Commissions & Organizations

    Public Utility Commissions and Municipal Associations often oversee and fund energy efficiency programs — Our energy efficiency expertise and services are tailored to serve these entities.

  • Energy Efficiency Alliances & Organizations

    Anchor Blue team members have worked with several energy efficiency alliances and organizations in previous positions, providing regional market studies and market transformation solutions.

  • Non-Profit Organizations

    Through our team’s involvement with Engineers Without Borders and Green Empowerment, Anchor Blue members have worked with a number of domestic and international non-profits, having evaluated and participated in several sustainable and renewable energy development programs.